Jun 25, 2010

Some Crafts

Hello again!

Last week, I randomly made some paper rings from some old books I have lying around just for crafts. I layers strips of paper in a ring shape around my finger and I glued a cool sentence around it. I then varished the top so that it would be sturdy and waterproof to an extent.

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Fun, right? I made a good few of them for fun.
Remember the last post when I said "set a whole bunch of things in motion so that I could be creative"? One of those things was this great book called Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith. It's really awesome, it's a book/journal with ways of wrecking the journal in a creative way. Check out this flickr group for some examples!

This is one of the pages from mine.

I took the pressed foliage and randomly decided to make little fairies!



Well, that's it for now! :)