Jun 29, 2010

Ah, simple.

Well I tested out the new design aspect of Blogger and I like it! It's simple and easy to use! I changed the layout to a nice summery orange and now you can comment on posts, yay! :D

I don't really have any projects to post today, but I have been working on things, swear! I'm an RA at school this coming fall so I've been making decorations for that. They're secret for now but my hallways going to be monster themed. (of course)

For the past few days, I've been absorbed by Tumblr. It's a little like blog+ffffound and I love it!

Well, that's where I leave you today. Ta ta! <3

Jun 25, 2010

Some Crafts

Hello again!

Last week, I randomly made some paper rings from some old books I have lying around just for crafts. I layers strips of paper in a ring shape around my finger and I glued a cool sentence around it. I then varished the top so that it would be sturdy and waterproof to an extent.

DSC05873 DSC05869

Fun, right? I made a good few of them for fun.
Remember the last post when I said "set a whole bunch of things in motion so that I could be creative"? One of those things was this great book called Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith. It's really awesome, it's a book/journal with ways of wrecking the journal in a creative way. Check out this flickr group for some examples!

This is one of the pages from mine.

I took the pressed foliage and randomly decided to make little fairies!



Well, that's it for now! :)

Jun 20, 2010

I kind of suck at this blogging thing, huh?

I used to be so good at blogging. But my summer's been so busy; mostly in a good way. I've had job training for summer camp. It's been eating a lot of my time, but I'm so excited for camp to start! I have 2nd and 3rd graders which is my ideal age to teach. I've also been watching a whooole lot of the World Cup.

Right before summer ended, I didn't think I'd be busy at all, so I set a whole bunch of things in motion so that I could be creative and not encounter a giant artistic block when I went back to school. I now think maybe I overdid it, but at least I'm making stuff! I'll have to post some of those things when I have the time.

Friday the 18th, I went to an Etsy craft party and it was really cool! It was in DC and I gave a demo, along with 2 others. An Etsian owns a diner in DC so it was held there and we had a special deal on "craftinis". I made 60 party favors, but of course only 20 people showed up. It's ok, it means I have stuff to send out as freebies and maybe sell.

some of the party favors. They were made into pins & pendants


There was a drawing because Etsy sent over some stuff like art supplies and tee shirts. I won some porcelain markers and paints which is really awesome because I was considering buying some! I'm currently experimenting with them!


This was during a collage robot demo which was really awesome.

This was what I made, but the photo's so blurry! It's made out of junk like soda cans, buttons, wire spiral stuff from notebooks, a key, bottlecap, and screws.

It was a really fun night! Yay Etsy!

Jun 2, 2010


Hi there!

I haven't made a post in a few days just because I've been busy doing so many things! I have made things that I will post another time. The weather here's so hot & humid; it makes me want to laze about instead of getting things done!

I went to Michael's today for the first time in months to be pleasantly surprised. They've changed a lot of their stock for the better and I eagerly grabbed stuff off their shelves for future crafting!

Tomorrow, my friend & I are hanging out and baking something. If it turns out right, I'll have to post pictures! If it doesn't, well...we'll just pretend it never happened.

Lastly, I've been told you can't comment on my posts! :( I haven't had sufficient time to try to fix it, but I'll try to get that done as soon as I can!