May 26, 2010

A Spectrum of Color

Today I saw a rainbow in a car's sideview mirror. It was just the way the sun hit the car, reflected off the mirror, and revealed all the colors that hide inside light. I think rainbows are a little bit of a miracle. Sure, I know the science behind it, but it's still amazing! I remember seeing my first rainbow in the sky and being overjoyed at the age of 4 or 5.

Anyways, before I go off rambling about rainbows, I decided to look through what my favorite website for all things handmade had to offer on the subject! (images are clickable; they'll take you to the listing)

Isn't this painting amazing? I think I could stare at it for days! The other paintings in her store are all so lovely!

These earrings are called " Catch my breath in between the rainbow", and aptly so. I'm a sucker for wire wrapping and earrings--add in a touch of rainbow, and you know I'm head over heels for it! I really did have to catch my breath when I saw these.

Oh my goodness. Awwwwww. Just awww. I'm also a sucker for adorable babies. awwwwwwww!!

This sweater coat is so neat!! It's made of upcycled sweaters and is made of magic!! Maybe not magic, but it sure seems like it!

When I first saw these, I thought they were from polymer clay canes. They're actually GLASS which at least doubles the wow factor!

Isn't she sweet? I love the whimsy and creativity behind it. Plus, all the natural fibers are " from a flock of happy sheep on Grand View Farm", which I think is really exciting.

Aw! I love this mini print. It's just the right combination of retro and modern, and greyscale and color.

I hope you enjoyed all the rainbows! :)

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