May 24, 2010

Scavenger Collages

I have way too much arts & crafts stuff. In an effort to get rid of some of it & to make myself make things, I'm pulling out random things and making collages.

I want to try a daily thing but probably not happening.

Scavenger Collage #1 Ingredients
watercolor doodles
beetle wing
half of a bleeding heart (the flower of course ;])
catalog cutouts
part of a playing card
plasticy stuff

(see, even that list is way too much stuff)

Scavenger Collage #1 Leftovers
Leftovers. (items that didn't get used)

Scavenger Collage #1
Final product.


Scavenger Collage #2 Ingredients
cigar box label
magazine cutout
watercolor doodle
a thing that was on top of an etsy promo pack i received a long time ago
the letter N

Scavenger Collage #2 Leftovers
Leftovers: this turtle guy

Scavenger Collage #2
Final product

All the ingredients are scavenged and pulled out at random so that I can compose something surprising; not something planned.
Feel free to try it; it's a lot of fun!! :)

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