May 22, 2011

So I haven't kept up with this, but it seems like every time school starts anew, I drop everything and try to focus on schoolwork.
Over the summer, I want to try to make arts and crafts for myself, and hopefully I'll remember to log it here. :)

In the meantime, here are some things that were made during the school year!

Aug 2, 2010


One of my absolute favorite things about the summer is the plethora of BERRIES! My mom and I went berry picking yesterday. We picked, ate, and in my case, got bitten by bugs.

Blueberries! mmmm!


with blueberry bucket



punny sign

Jul 30, 2010

A Fairy

A fairy I made for a fairy swap.

She is polymer clay with a wire armature under so she's poseable. I curled and attached mohair for her hair. Her eyes are green+gold glass paint and she's shimmery but you can't tell from the pictures. Her dress is made of lace, ribbon, and a fake flower, and her sweater is crocheted from green yarn.

I always wanted to try making something like this and I'm glad I got the chance to do so.

close up





Hope you enjoyed!

Jul 13, 2010

In transit

Ahh I've been so busy lately that I haven't had too much time for crafting!

Actually, that's not true, I've started some crafting but I don't seem to have enough hours in the day to finish them! Ahh!

I took some snapshots of things in art transit.

another flower lady
More flower ladies! We had really hot dry weather so I picked these right off the ground in my dad's garden!

this one has a smile
This one's smiling!

she looks weird still. :/
lady doesn't look too happy. :/

experimenting with different methods of curling mohair. (I know, it sounds so odd)

And lastly, lots and lots of papier mache!

not throwup, papier mache
(I promise, that is paper mache)

paper mache
(some of him is air dry clay)

Hope you enjoyed some of my works in progress! :)

Jul 6, 2010


So I started working camp today. Ohhhh boy. I have about 20-25 7&8 year olds. It was fun but the school basically has no ac so of course I was sweating like a faucet. I'm going to have to invent a fan that follows me around so that I can stay cool or something.

Well, I got picked for duck duck goose twice and we went to the art room twice to make stuff, yay! The kids can be kind of rowdy, but hopefully things will settle down a bit after the first week. I'm SO TIRED but I'm also happy. I've done work with kids within a classroom, and this is totally different, but I'm really glad to get this experience.

I'm leaving you with this:

This is a conversation that I had with some kids.
kid: how old are you?
me: 24.
kids: you’re old!
me: i know, i’m so old!!
kids: do you have a boyfriend??
me: no, why?
